Tuesday, 11 January 2011

First Year Portfolio work. Fashion Design Practice, Shirt Project...

Concept Pages...

Samples of design work...

Final Piece...
Fashion Design Practice, Project Description.
- This moule allowed creativity aimed at a comercial market. It's built on fashion design, technical and practical skills. The final shirt developed from the title 'a classic genius' and research into natural form photography and edwardian ruffs.

First Year Portfolio work. Visual Studies...

Visual Studies, Project Description.
- This module involved developing mark making skills. Using a variety of materials and techniques to expres illustrative and technical fashion drawings. This is a few examples of my illustrative Drawings from my story of experimentation.

First Year Portfolio work. Fashion Materials and Form...

Concept Pages...

Samples of Design work...

Final Piece...

Fashion Materials and Form, Project Descripion.
- This module is based on form and transforming designs into a 3-D garment. The final Garment has developed from inspirational images about aspects of femininity.